September 11, 2008

The Backyard Babies

Went with my sister and my dad to see The Backyard Babies last night. Not bad at all! Zara's been a huge fan of Backyard for a while (understatement, about 4 years) and dad's still into his punk - he doesn't grow up!

Got to The Brook after about an hour and a half of driving and a few wrong turns, even with the satnav. Queued up for about ten minutes before the doors opened and we headed to the upstairs bar for beers and to watch the first band, Skintight Jaguars. They were pretty good, the audience just wasn't awake at that point sadly.

Next up, Crucified Barbara. Definitely a breath of fresh air, I haven't been so inspired or blown away by a band for about three years. Musically amazing and as weird as it seems, I've never seen a girl solo anywhere near the standards that I saw last night and the bassplayer showed up a lot of others with the walking fingers technique. Definitely checking this band out again.

The Backyard set passed in a blur, we were right by Dregen :-) They didn't play "A Song For The Outcast", but they did do "Fuck Off And Die", "Nomadic", "Minus Celsius" and "The Clash" :-)

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